Why would I want ONLINE dog training?

Online dog training is not the best choice for everyone, but it is the best, or only choice for many.  I know that finding a dog trainer in your area who is able and willing to meet with you, AND is the kind of trainer you would want to work with you and your dog(s), is not always possible. This is why I came up with my ONLINE dog training option. 

This program might be for you if....

You do not have a local (positive first!) dog training instructor.

This While the rougher style of dog training often does work, why would you do it, when your dog might respond MUCH better to POSITIVE reinforcement?This program is only for those who have already looked into the local dog training options in their area and need other options.

You need a more affordable dog training option than in-home visits by a dog trainer.

A week of learning and implementing a training tequnique of mine, specifically suited to your dog's issue, using video instruction is $35. Follow up emails asking questions on this topic are $5-10 each, depending on the size of the response needed.

You need supplemental instruction outside of your weekly dog training classes or dog park visits.

This program should not replace group classes if group classes are a viable option for you. Your dogs NEED socialization with different people and dogs on an (at least) weekly basis. Group dog training classes are great for this, as are trips to the dog park. If you would like training outside of these socializing activities, then ONLINE instruction might just be for you.

As important as socialization is for dogs, I realize that not everyone has the option to take their dog to a dog park or even enter their dog in regular obedience classes. This is when online dog training instruction can come in handy. 

How does it work? 

We have an innitial, no charge, over-the-phone consultation to find out if internet classes will work for you. We will go over possible training techniques so that you can get a feel of my training style. If you decide to go ahead with the internet training course, you will video your dogs doing the actions you would like to change, and email them to me.  A web cam can also be used, but is not mandatory.